
General Meeting Minutes for 2013

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
January 23, 2013
Attendance: (10 in attendance)  Anne Fahning, Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee, Corey Rathbun, Al Ackerman, Fred Ruocco, Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, guests:  Rita Tarquino, John Shaffer

Lion President Tom Witkowski called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM   A moment of silence was held in memory of Lion John McCarthy. Lion Tom introduced our guest DG Lion John Shaffer and Lion Rita Tarquino from South Buffalo Lackawanna Lion Club.
Tail Twister:  Lion Fred.  The split club will be not be held tonight as Lion Dick is ill. 
Program:  DG John Shaffer :  DG John Shaffer March 20, 2013 new PP kits with be available kits will be $14 at the District meeting and $19.  DG wanted to address the club about membership.  The district 20N club in Frewsburg has been successful by putting their Lion Magazine in local service stations, local Dr. Office, dentist office and various other organizations to get the word out on Lionism. DG John praised the efforts of the GI Lions Club on their efforts for the Special Kids Picnic.  DG presented our club with a certificate.  He suggested that we invite other clubs to become involved in that special day.   DG John fielded questions from our club.
Committee Reports:
Scholarship:  Lion Paul:  The scholarship meeting will be tomorrow night at 7 Pm at the Library Meeting Room.  The meeting will be approximately 1 hour.  Members on this committee are Lions Mark Frenzel, Lion Brooks Rimes, Lion Paul Bassette, Lion Norm Hahn, Lion Fred Ruocco, and Lion Donna Lavallee.
Old Business: 
Reminder:  SBLLC Lion Judy Winnert wanted to remind Lions that items or goodie bags are needed.  LP Tom presented DG John with a box of supplies for the goodie bags.
Transfer membership of Lion Corey Rathbun is complete.  Corey brought
Meals on Wheels:  One route is left to be taken on February 15, 2013.  The North route will be taken by Lion Paul. 
New Business:
Donations in memory of Lion John McCarthy.  Lion Dick will tabulate the donations and Lion Annette will send out “thank you” letters.  Lion Anne suggested if we could write a letter to the GI Dispatch as a special memorial in our thanks and remembrance.

LP Tom received an email from a Lion in Yonkers that runs the AFYA foundation that will collect items to be donated Haiti.  We need to go through items in the loan closet that we no longer need.  Perhaps other clubs in district 20N  may have other items that could be donated at dropped off Lion Tony Zappia from Southside Trucking down to Yonkers.  Then these items could be donated to Haiti.
Lion Corey volunteered to be cupid for the Valentines Party.
Discussion regarding the afternoon meetings.  The afternoon meetings
Motion to adjourn Lion Paul seconded Lion Al meeting 
adjourned at 8:35 PM.
Board meeting to follow.
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
January 09, 2013 (noon meeting)
Attendance: (9 in attendance) Tom Witkowski, Brooks Rimes, Anne Fahning, Dick Crawford, Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee, Shelia Ferrentino, Mark Frenzel guest: Larry Austi
Lion President Tom Witkowski called the meeting to order at 12:07 PM   LP Tom introduced our guest Larry Austin from Niagara Publications.
Program:  Larry Austin:  Larry openly discussed the future of newsprint publication.  As readership habits are changing with more people getting their news online subscriptions are down.  Philosophies have changed.  The Island Dispatch is open to any articles that our club would provide.  This would be a great way to get out the word on Lionism.  LP Tom will be submitting an article for the Island wide distribution coming up in February.
Request for an Ad in the State Convention booklet will go to the finance committee
State convention goodie bag items are needed.  Pens, business items will be accepted by Lion Judy Winnert before mid April.
Super Bowl Raffle tickets are on sale benefiting the Brandel-Murphy Foundation.  Tickets are $20, see LP Tom if interested.
LCIF There is a proposal members to choose an installment plan to donate to Sight First III, just .35¢/day would equal $1000 by Sight First III in 2020.
Lions Blind and Charity Fund:  we have received a letter from PDG Tom Reinagel; there will be an urgent meeting and regarding the future of the fund.  More news to follow.
Olmstead Center for Sight: via phone.  The Olmstead center sought approval of their application to build their 7th apartment complex primarily for the blind and disabled in the Town of Niagara.  The board members passed this via email on 1-7-13.
Committee Reports:  (Lion Donna left the meeting) these reports were on the agenda for presentation:
Graffiti Busters: Lion Dick Crawford
Christmas tree sales
Christmas Party donation to the GI Neighbors Foundation
Periodic articles to the Island Dispatch:  Larry Austin and Skip Mazenauer approved our request
Brandel Murphy Youth Foundation application: Need club approval to proceed.
Lion Corey Rathbun His transfer membership is in process from Durand MI,
New Business: LP Tom CROP walk 2013: “Dollar-a-Day” food contest.
Next meeting is DG John Shaffer’s visitation
Upcoming meetings Barb Gannon; director, Golden Age Center
Elizabeth Olmstead Center for the Visually Handicapped
Field Trip to Ira G. Ross Eye Institute including Lions SEE Program and Lions Diagnostic Eye Center

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
February 27, 2013 noon meeting

Attendance:  (5 in attendance) Tom Witkowski, Anne Fahning, Paul Bassette, Dick Crawford, and Donna Lavallee
Lion President Elect Tom Witkowski called the meeting to order at 12:05 PM.
Split Club:  We will forgo until the first meeting in March.
Presentation:  There will be no presentation for this meeting.
Donations for Lion John McCarthy:  Memorial gifts for Lion John will be forwarded to the treasurer.
Letter from Ball Toilet and Septic:  Given to treasurer
Bank statements: given to treasurer
LI statement:  semi annual dues (35 regular members, 3 family) given to treasurer.
LCIF:  report and request for funds, individual can also contribute toward a Melvin Jones.
SABAH:  Donations requested for family and friends who would be unable to attend the event due to financial hardship.
Guide Dog Foundation:  Newsletter including request for donation.
Niagara Frontier Radio Screening Service:  Newsletter including request for contribution.
Dr., Andy’s Day for Kids:  The event was on Feb. 24, 12-6 PM at Sisters Hospital.  Our club has sent a donation in the past we will most likely contribute this year.
NYS & Bermuda Lions Foundation Raffle Tickets:  3 for $300 allows us to obtain an Uplinger.  Top prize is $20k, 2nd prize is $2500, 3rd prize is $1500, 4th is $100, 5th through 14th $500.  We need board approval for this.  No quorum today, therefore, we will forgo voting on this.
Niagara Club Lions Clubs:  The clubs are hosting a Junior Golf Tournament.  There is a request for a $500 donation or a donation to sponsor a hole.  Discussion was had regarding mission for this event.  There does not seem to be charitable focus.  We will not contribute.
Thank you:  A thank you from DG John Shaffer for our hospitality at his last visitation.
Amherst Lions Club Pancake Breakfast:  Saturday March 16th, 2013, from 8 Am-1 PM.  Adults are $6, children under 12 $3.50.  Gift baskets and certificates will be auctioned.  LP Tom has tickets.
Invitation to GI Service Clubs dinner/meeting:  March 26, 2013, 6 PM Buffalo Launch Club, $18 per person.  Contact person is Zonta secretary Karen Keefe, 775-3827,
ekeefe@gmail.com.  LP Tom will attend and will present the following topics for discussion.
Use of a common form that service organizations that would use to determine financial need when seeking assistance.
LP Tom will work on gathering information from the EC Department of Social Services.  This will serve as a guide.
July 4th parade:  registration was received.
Bills from Grand Island Optical:  Bills for 2 eyeglasses for 2 students $364. 
LP Tom and Lion Paul will arrange for a meeting with GI Optical to see about negotiating pricing for future glasses.
State Convention:  May 16-18, 2013.  Volunteers are needed for registration on Thursday (4 between 6-9 PM), Friday (1 between 8:30-11 AM); 2 between 11 am and 1:30; 3 between 1:30-3:30 PM.  Saturday (3 between 8-10 AM); 1 between 10 Am-noon), and Sunday (4 between 7:30-8:30 AM).
WNY Independent Living:  seeking donations between $25-$500.
Hearing Aid request:  Scott Alubish for mother Edwina.  LP Tom forwarded the paperwork for the AES Fund.  Lion Tom will follow up.
Committee Reports:
Old Business: 
Holiday Inn invoice from 1/23/13 meeting paid by cc by Tom Witkowski.
Graffiti Busters:  The group attempted to clean up 2 signs, however, the solvents that were used were too strong and removed all writing on the signs.  The process was discontinued.  There was also a great deal of graffiti and damage done at the Nike Base.  The Graffiti busters may be used to help in the clean up.
New Business: 
Lion Paul:  Melvin Jones Committee will meet in April.
Board Meeting:
We do not have enough members to have a quorum for a board meeting.  An additional board meeting may be called if necessary. 
Meeting adjourned 1:15 PM   Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting March 13, 2013
Attendance:  (13  in attendance)  Tom Witkowski, Brooks Rimes, Anne Fahning, Al Ackerman,  Paul Bassette,  Fred Ruocco, Tom Rusert, Bob Christman, Shelia Ferrentino, Dick Crawford, Donna Lavallee  Guest speakers; Mike Hoplight, Stephan Stouter
Tom Witkowski called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM.
Lion President Tom Witkowski presented Past President Anne Fahning with the International Presidents Membership Achievement Award.
Lion Tom introduced the guests, Mike Hoplight and Stephan Stouter
Split Club:  $92 in the split club.  Brooks Rimes was selected; we are looking for the ace of hearts.  Brooks selected the Jack of Spades.  The split club rolls on!!
Presentation Mike Hoplight and Stephan Stouter:   Mike Hoplight presented on VOAD Volunteered Organizations Active in Disasters.  Lion Mike Hoplight has been a member of the Town of Niagara Lions Club from 1998.  Lion Mike works for the American Red Cross and the American disaster team in addition he has served for 2 terms in the military in Baghdad.  He helps people survive disaster relief. Lion Mike will address our club understand the possibilities of Lions Club role in disaster relief.  VOAD - Volunteered Organizations Active in Disasters. Out of Rochester, and there are 30 organizations that are active in this organization.
www.ny.voad.org.  LP Tom has a binder with all of the pertinent information for members who are interested in learning more about VOAD.   The main hub for VOAD is in Albany that is an entire resource center that is underground that is self-sustaining with the organizations contributing resources throughout NYS for the better good of the people of NY.  Lion Mike believes that if the Lions Club of NYS would contribute to VOAD it would make us one of the strongest service organizations to serve the communities of NYS.  Some natural disasters are too massive for service organizations to handle on their own.  Teams are comprised of approximately 12 persons that would help in times of natural disaster. Shelter teams for the ARC help to fund the expenses of the volunteers.  Questions and discussion regarding emergency preparedness, specifically for Grand Island since there may be a situation where we may not be able to receive services for a period of time.
Stephan Stouter:  CERT Coordinator for the Town of Grand Island,
Committee Reports:
Noon meetings:  The noon meetings were not successful
GI Optical:  2 bills submitted to our club for students that were provided eyeglasses.
NY State Convention:  Slots are available for volunteers.
HA requests:  A request from A GI resident.  The paperwork is being processed.
Amherst Lions Pancake breakfast 3/16-13
Joint GI Service club dinner/meeting:  March 26, 2013.
July 4 Independence Day parade registration.  Lion Anne will fill out the necessary paperwork for the club
Newtown Lions Club:  We will do due diligence to verify of this is a legitimate club prior to request for support.
Dr. Ann E Stadelmaier Hearing Aid Fund Spaghetti Dinner:  Contact Lion Donna if you would like tickets
Lion Blind and Charity Fund:  Our club has 5 shares of the Lions Blind and Charity Fund has been in existence since 1919.   Last year we received about $900 dollars.  1/19/13 LP Tom, Lion Norm and Lion Paul attended a meeting regarding the future of the LBCF.  The recommendation of the executive committee would transfer all of the funds to the Community Fund of the City of Buffalo.  This fund would therefore distribute monies from this club on behalf of the LBCF.  The LBCF has roughly 1.25 million in funds. A meeting in January asked for a vote regarding the above recommendation.  Both motions were voted unanimously.  Our GI club will receive $1053.75 we need to provide proof that the money will be used for charitable uses, prior to when we will receive the funding.  Members who contributed to the fund will receive a letter describing the aforementioned plan.  We have received 25 people donate to the GI Lions Club $719, our club donated $410 with 10 members contributing.
Motion to adjourn Lion Al, seconded by Lion Tom R meeting adjourned 8:51:PM

G. I. Lions General Meeting March 27, 2013
Attendance:  (11 in attendance) Anne Fahning, Tom Witkowski, Al Ackerman, Paul Bassette, Fred Ruocco, Tom Rusert, Brooks Rimes, Dick Crawford, Donna Lavallee, Guest speaker; Barb Gannon and guest Justin Dudek
Lion President Tom Witkowski called the meeting to order at 7:06 PM.
Lion Tom introduced the guests, Barb Gannon from the GI Senior Center and guest Justin Dudek
Motion to release the tail twister:
Split Club:  Split club $96. Pat Paterson, absent, Shelia Ferrentino, absent, Sean Kelly, absent, Donna Lavallee drew the 10 of spades.
Vision Beyond Sight (VBS):  The annual meeting is on 4/13/13 at 10 AM at the Olmstead Center, registration is at 9:30 AM RSVP by April 9th. This will be a foundation meeting.  VBS has blossomed from 16 patients in 2009, to 47,000 patients in 2011.  Patients are part of research for Glaucoma.  Lions club helped purchase the new LASER that is used for the treatment of Glaucoma.
Miracle League: ML will be hosting a carnival to raise funds for the special needs playground that will be placed adjacent to the field.  Dan Drexilius requested our support in helping with the carnival.
Dr Andy’s Day for Kids:  Thank you letter for our $250 donation. Over $30K was raised.
Excaliber:  A leisure boat for handicapped persons.  Excalibur is requesting support for repairs totaling $17,000. 
PDG Kim Stirbing:  A black tie and bar-b q at the Elks lodge will be held in her honor to help raise funding for her.
Committee Reports:
Ray Wheeler Foundation: Despite our best efforts, the RWF has not accepted our request for funding they do not donate funds that go to another foundation. 
Cabinet Meeting:  Lion Tom gave a zone report of region 2 zone 1.  Tom will be involved in Global membership team building; Wheatfield Lions has a clubhouse and a loan closet that is in need of a roof.  The district has accessibility of funds that would help will free roofing.  There are 16 grants in all that help with free roofing.  Lion Tom will be helping them secure a grant for roofing.
Christmas Tree:  Lion Tom will be in contact with Sean Kelly/ Hopefully Sean will be able to report at our next meeting.
Spaghetti Dinner:  Dick Crawford:  Our 44 yr.  The dinner is on 4/22 from 5-8 Pm.  Dick is trying to set up with Holiday Inn to set up Sunday evening with volunteers/ Tops is underwriting $500 and the rest will be purchased.  Rosina Foods will give a 30% discount on the meatballs.  Anne Fahning made a request for any baskets that could be donated from the Lions.  DJ is needed; Tom Witkowski will mostly likely serve as our emcee.
Barb Gannon:  Presenter Barb thanked our club for our help with Meals on Wheels.  There are 18 people on the list for Meals on Wheels and that seems to be the limit for the Nursing Home that provides the meals at cost.  There has been a small problem with some apartment complexes.  They are not allowing the meals to be dropped off for people who are not at home. The center has been working on resolving these issues.  The programs at the center are open to anyone that is 50 years old and older.  Barb brought the monthly newsletter for review:  The Golden Voice”.  The big program is the hot meals program. Meals are $3. There is a cook on staff, nutritious meals are prepared.  LP Tom asked what needs the seniors on GI may need.  Barb fields calls of seniors that may need assistance.  Some people are resistant to assistance of any kind, perhaps painting, repairs, etc.  LP Tom spoke on the joint service club meeting stating that all clubs may be able to assist those in need.  Barb speculated that on a yearly basis she assists approximately 10 individuals, however, there are probably many more that are not be helped.
New Business: 
25 years for Journey for Sight:  This year the funds raised will go toward the VBS Humanitarian Fund.  This fund pays for the services to help individual’s that have had a procedure done make their routine return visits.  Niagara Frontier Radio Readers Service.  Saving Eyes Early (SEE), eyes of children ages 1-5 are photographed and treatment can be provided early. VBS will be Saturday, May 5th at 10 AM.  The registration is $10 ages 18 yrs and up, donation of any amount for 17 and under.  Sponsor, both individual and corporate are being accepted.
NYS Convention:  4 delegates are allowed from this club.  Those interested see LP Tom, Lion Anne made a motion that the club cover the cost of $25 for delegates, seconded by Lion Paul.  All in favor, motion passed.  LP Tom will send an email to those who are out of town in Florida who may be interested in being a delegate for our club.
Service Club meeting 3/26/2013:  This meeting was with Rotary, Zonta and Lions.
Nominating Committee:  Lion President Tom presented ongoing the slate of officers for the upcoming year.
President Elect:  Brooks Rimes
1st Vice President: Donna Lavallee 
2nd Vice President: Tom Rusert
3rd Vice President: Open
Corresponding Secretary: Annette Lobl
Recording Secretary:  Donna Lavallee
Treasurer:  Dick Crawford
Lion Tamer: Al Ackerman
Tail Twister: Fred Ruocco
Directors of 1 year: Dave Chervinsky, Norm Hahn
Directors of 2-year term:  Paul Bassette, Anne Fahning
Voting needs to be completed at the first meeting in April (4/10/13).  The budget committee will meet at 6 PM prior to the next meeting at the Holiday Inn 4/10/13.
Request for funding from the Community Garden that will be started on Ransom and Stony Point.  There will be 20 plots available, fencing, etc.  The club will not be monetarily supporting this effort.  We wish them well.
Next meeting
Motion to adjourn Lion Tom 8:58, seconded Lion Fred meeting adjourned 8:59:PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting April 24, 2013
Attendance:  (13 in attendance) Anne Fahning, Tom Witkowski, Al Ackerman, Diane Dubiel, Gerry Dubiel, Paul Bassette,  Dick Crawford,  Henry Lobl, Dan Morobito, Tom Rusert, Dave Chervinsky,  Brooks Rimes, Donna Lavallee.
Lion President Tom called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM.  Lion President Tom led us in the pledge, Lion Brooks led us in a patriotic song and Lion Paul led us in prayer.
Split Club: Lion Dick:  $101 in the split club.  Looking for the Ace of hearts.  Lion Henry was selected.  The nine of diamonds was drawn.
Presentation:  International President’s Retention Campaign 2011-2012 Certificate of Appreciation
The club has earned a retention patch from LCIF.
Committee Reports:
Bank Statements
City Made: offers 15% discount on ready made baskets
Thank you letters from Dr. Andy’s Day for Kids.
Thank you from Young Life
Board items: 
Spaghetti Dinner:  Lion Dick:  Deposit of $3906.50 before expenses which could total $800-1000
$138 $165, split clubs, $1435 basket raffle, $2200 in ticket sales, Dessert $140.50, Lion Dan and Lion Dick will review the food ordered and modify the order accordingly in an effort to eliminate waste.  We had extra bread, cheese and spaghetti and salad.  Extra expenses not accounted for are advertisements in GI Dispatch.
Christmas Trees:  Lion Tom will try to contact Lion Sean and Lion Brian.
Journey for Sight:  Sat May 4 at 10 AM on Goat Island donation $10. Currently the event is on hold because NYS does not fully approve of the insurance from LCIF
Old Business:  None
New Business:
MD 20 Convention:  coming up in 3 weeks all details are in the newsletter publication.  There are a few items missing.  There are deadlines for the meals, persons need to preregister.  Delgates need to be preregistered.  The convention is at the Adams Mark on May 16- May 19, 2013.  If any club members are interested in being a delegate contact Lion Tom.  All seminars must be preregistered, Lion Boot camp, Club management MD 20 fiscal cliff are some of the topics offered.  The state is considering raising the state fees,
Kids Day for Children’s Hospital::Interested persons meet on Tuesday April 30th.  Meet at the KOC at 5:30 and 5:45, Lion Dave and Lion Anne.  Lion Dave will send out an email to the club.  Our corner is Long and GI Blvd.
GI service club joint meetings:  Each club will have 10 minutes to tell about their clubs activities.  A common thread is that financial guidelines are needed when individuals are requesting aid from any of the local service organizations.  Lion Tom asked Lions legal department what we could ask individuals.  LP Tom has been speaking to and looking into getting a speaker from the Erie County Social Services.  This will be presented at May 10 general club meeting. 
Peace Poster:  Meeting to recognize the Peace Poster winners May 24.
Installation Dinner:  Past president Anne will organize the installation dinner on June 12.
Budget Meeting:  Financials will not be discussed at meetings.  The information will be available to members on our webpage.  The member’s only section of the webpage will have the information on the Welfare Fund and General Fund. Lion Dick reviewed the records for each month, a bimonthly excel form.  Request was made for providing information for the past 5 years. However, after some discussion it was decided that we should begin effective immediately.  This ensures that the expenses and accounts are transparent.  Lion Tom will report back to the LCIF that our clubs expenses are abiding on the transparency guidelines. 
Motion to adjourn,  Lion Gerry all in favor. 8:48 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Meeting minutes Wed May 8,2013
Holiday Inn Grand Island NY
7:05 meeting called to order. In attendance: Lions Tom Witkowski. Al Ackerman, Dave Chervinsky. Henry Lobl, Brooks Rimes, Paul Bassette, Tom Butler, Sean Kelly, Dick Crawford, Norm Hahn, Tom Rusert and Anne Fahning.
The tail twister was released and asked trivia regarding Mothers Day.
The 50/50 split was not won. It is over $110.
An announcement was made regarding a fundraiser on May 25th from 12-3pm for Jacob Spencer who has leukemia. A donation request was sent to the budget committee.
The International Convention will be held in Toronto next year and the committee is looking for volunteers.
Lion Pres Tom moved that the club pick up half of the coast for Lion Paul to attend the state convention. It was seconded by Lion Henry and passed unanimously.
Lion Dick gave a Spaghetti Dinner report. The estimated proceeds will be $3,500.  Special recognition was given to Lion Dan Morabito for his extraordinary effort and dedication. It was mentioned that we ran out of desserts early and should have more next year.
Lion Sean Kelly presented the club with a check for $2,800 from the Christmas tree sale. Kelly’s invested over $1,500 in equipment to improve the sale.
Plans for the Special Kids Picnic are underway.  Please contact Lion Annette if you are able to help. There are plenty of jobs, large and small. We’d especially like to see the newer members come out to experience what a marvelous event it is.
Dues this year are $75 according  to Lion Dick Crawford. The bills will be going out soon.
Lion Paul has 21 applications for the Scholarship Fund. He and committee members: Lions Donna Lavallee, Mark Frentzel, Brooks Rimes and Diane Dubiel have met to make the selections.
The Lions blind and charity fund will send letters to explain the change in their program.
The Melvin Jones recipient will be a member of the community who is not a lion member this year.
Lion Anne made a motion to adjourn at 8:43pm. It was seconded by Lion Brooks and passed.     
Respectfully submitted, Lion Anne Fahning

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
May 23, 2012
Attendance:  (12 in attendance)Tom Witkowski, Dick Crawford,  Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee, Anne Fahning, Gerry Dubiel, Diane Dubiel, Tom Rusert,  Al Ackerman,  Dan Morobito, Fred Ruocco, Shelia Ferrentino, 5 guests; Grace LoTempio, and parents and Jadin Schuerholz and father John.

Lion President Tom Witkowski called the meeting to order at 7:06PM. 
Lion Fred led us in the Pledge to the Flag, Lion Paul led us in prayer and Lion Tom R led us in a patriotic song.
Tail Twister Lion Fred
Announcements – Lion Paul introduced our Peace poster winner, Grace LoTempio and runner up Jadin Schuerholz and their parents.
Thank you notes were received from Mercy Flight of WNY
A check from Covanta Corporation for placement advertising.
Lions Blind and Charity Fund:  We received a check for $1053.75 as our annual distribution.
Former Lion Kathie Norris:  Lion Kathie’s son needed to have surgery for a detached retina.  Unfortunately he did not have health insurance and the bill totals $16,000.  She is asking for donations for a craft and yard sale will proceeds to go towards the cost of his medical expenses.
Lion Dick:  Looking for the Ace of Hearts; Split club, $113, Tom DeCarlo, absent, Tom Witkowski:  Lion Tom was present and chose the 4 of spades.

Lion Dick presented the club a check for $500 from our GI Tops

Lion Tom:  The MD-20 state convention was in Buffalo this year.  Lion Tom attended and reported the following to our club:
District 20 N won an award for the highest retention rate for the entire multiple districts.
District 20N won the foundation raffle for an additional $1000 to go towards charitable giving in the district.

Submitted Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club Installation Dinner
June 12, 2013

Attendance:  (37 in attendance)  Tom Witkowski, Diana Witkowski, Dave Chervinsky, Jane Chervinsky, Anne Fahning,  Bob Fahning, Al Ackerman, Midge Hasselbeck,  Diane Dubiel, Dick Crawford,  Marla Crawford, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Tom DeCarlo, Paul Bassette, Earl Deglopper. Tom Rusert, Bill Wind, Pat Patterson, Mary Patterson, Brooks Rimes, Brenda Rimes, Vicky Rimes, Marlene Rimes, Bret and Jocelyn and grandson Caleb, Cory Rathburn, Adrian Rathburn,  Donna Lavallee, Stu Lavallee.  Shelia Ferrentino, Fred Ruocco, Guests:  Theresa Hooper, Mike Hooper, Gail Sander, Dick Sander

Lion President Tom called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM.  Pledge, Patriotic song and prayer were shared.

Lion  Brooks and Lion Paul introduced our guests.  Lion Brooks family and Therese Hopper husband Mike and parents Gail and Dick Sander.

Pledge of Allegiance; Lion Dave C, Patriotic Song, Lion Henry, Invocation:  Lion Paul.

Lion Presidents Message:  LP Tom Witkowski shared reflections emphasizing work on our club constitution and thanks for very successful fundraisers.  Public service should be something that our club should strive to improve on.  LP Tom reported on the revised guidelines for perfect attendance, in that lion must attend 17 lions club functions per year.  Perfect attendance awards were given to, Brooks, Henry, Fred, Dave, Paul B, Brooks, Dick, Tom R, Al, Anne and Donna.

Presentation of Gifts: Lion Tom presented President Elect Brooks with a lighted compass and in recognition of Lion Annette for her extraordinary service even while recuperating. DG John Shaffer has extended a special gift from the district to Lion Annette for all of her work on the Special Kids Picnic. Past President Lion Anne Fahning presented Diana Witkowski and LP Tom with a special gift for his year of service.

2012-2013 Attendance/Milestone Awards:  Lion Annette presented attendance and milestone awards,
Perfect Attendance awards
4 Donna
6 Tom W.
10 Anne
11 Tom Rusert
Milestone awards
12 Fred
18 Dick
19 Paul
28 Al
Tom Rusert 15 years as a Lion
Fred Ruocco 20 years as a Lion
Tom Witkowski 20 years as a Lion
Tom DeCarlo 35 years
Earl DeGlopper 35 years
Pat Patterson 35 years
Melvin Jones Award:  Lion Paul Bassette presented the background information on both awards.  The Melvin Jones awards can be given to a Lion or a non Lion.  This is the highest honor from Lions Club International.  This is a person who puts people and human needs first.  Lion Dick Crawford presented the Melvin Jones Award to Theresa Hooper for her work with the Miracle League baseball field.
Theresa Hooper accepted the award for the Miracle League and on behalf of all of the officers that has worked to build Miracle League for what it is.

Installation of Officers and Directors:  Lion Paul Bassette and Lion Dick Crawford recognized and installed the officers for the 2013-2014 calendar year.
 President:  Lion Brooks Rimes
First Vice President:  Lion Donna Lavallee
Second Vice President:  Tom Rusert
Third Vice President: open
Treasurer:  Lion Dick Crawford
Corresponding Secretary:  Lion Annette Boies-Lobl
Recording Secretary:  Lion Donna Lavallee
Tail Twister:  Lion Fred Ruocco
Lion Tamer:  Lion Al Ackerman
Director – Two Years:  Lion Anne Fahning and Lion Paul Bassette
Director One Year:  Lion Dave Chervinsky and Lion Norm Hahn
Immediate Past President:  Lion Tom Witkowski

Transfer of GI Lions Club Paraphernalia:  Lion Tom transfered the official gavel, charter and bell to Lion President Brooks.

Lion President Brooks addressed the club with his thoughts on the upcoming year.  LP Brooks would like to bring back a strong sense of program to the meetings.

GI Lions Summer Activities:
BOD Meeting :  06/26/2013 Lion Brooks Rimes house 785 Willow Terrace #2 at 7 PM
July 4th Parade
Special Kids Picnic:  July 17, 2013
Members Picnic:  TBD, please watch the newsletter for the date in July.  Lion Anne and Bob Fahning’s boat 2186 East River Rd
White Cane Drive: August 16 and 17th, 2013
Merriton Labor Day Parade:  September 2, 2013.

Benediction:  Lion Paul Bassette

Motion to adjourn Lion Paul, seconded by Lion Shelia-Meeting Adjourned:  9:12 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
September 11, 2012
Attendance:  (16 in attendance) Brooks Rimes, Shelia Ferrentino, Earl Deglopper, Norm Hahn, Mike Steinagel, Dave Chervinsky, Anne Fahning, Annette Lobl, Henry Lobl, Dick Crawford,  Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee,  Fred Ruocco, Tom Rusert,  Al Ackerman, Tom Witkowski,

Lion President Brooks Rimes called the meeting to order at 7:02PM.  Lion Tom led the club in the pledge of Allegiane.  Lion Anne led the club in a patriotic song, Lion Paul led the club in prayer.  There was a motion by to release the Tail Twister.

Announcements –
Lion Donna presented on what new in hearing aids and the Dr. Ann Stadelmaier hearing aid fund
Lion Dick:  Split club, $121, Lion Mike., The three of clubs was drawn.

Lion Brooks:  Speaker next time Excaliber

Merriton Lions visit is on 10-09-2013.  We need to ask Lion Gerry if the KOC is available.  Lion Dick can find out as he is a member.
Bon Ton :  Lion Annette has books.  Books are on sale.  Community Days are November 15 and 16.  We are looking for people to sell in the store.  Books are $5.

Corresponding secretary:  Thank you received from Mike Steinagels’s mother.

Lion Paul:  We received thank you notes from the recipients and have dispersed 3 scholarships.  We have yet to receive verification from Mr. Rustowicz.  Lion Paul will contact him if we have not heard from him by January.

Miracle League:  Lions night at the Miracle League field.  Saturday 9/14 7 PM.  We are in need of buddies to assist children on the field, and others to help This event is open the all Lions in district 20 N.  

White cane:  $1866 was collected.  A new chairman is needed for next year.

New Business; for the good of the club:

BonTon books are available.

Motion to adjourn by Lion Al , seconded by Lion Paul meeting adjourned 8:46PM

The next meeting will be our meeting will be at the BLC on September 25, 2013 with a board meeting to follow.

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
September 25, 2013
Attendance:  (17 in attendance) LP Brooks Rimes, Earl DeGlopper, Cory Rathbun, Anne Fahning, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford, Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee, Fred Ruocco, Al Ackerman, Tom Witkowski, Dave Chervinsky, Henry Lobl, Shelia Ferrentino, guests Justice Redhawk and Adriana Rathbun and James Catalano.  The meeting was called to order at 7:14 PM.  There was a motion by to release the Tail Twister.

Announcements – guests were introduced, James Catalano from Excalibur. Justice Redhawk, Adriana Rathbun.
Lion Dick:  Split club, $128, Lion Bill Wiles, not present, PJ Wiles, not present, Sean Kelly, not present, Henry Lobl. Present.  Looking for the Ace of Hearts, The four of clubs was drawn.

Corresponding Secretary report:  Lion Annette:  Lion Paul received some thank you cards for the scholarship winners.  Lion Sharon Battaglia thank you for sponsoring her cancer walk

Sunshine:   Lion Gerry had a partial hip replacement surgery.  Lion Henry saw Lion Gerry.  He is in good spirits and is at Riverwood and will maybe be there for 2 weeks.  Larry Furnia has hospice coming in to his home.  The club will send him a card.

BonTon:  Lion Annette: Booklets are for sale.  Books are $5 a piece.  Members are encouraged to buy 2 books.  The sale is November 15 and 16th, 2013.  The club really makes our money buy selling on the day of the sales. however, we need to pre sale 75 books.  The club should send a card.  We are looking for Lions who are interested in selling books on the days of the sale.  In the past we have made $600-$700.

Miracle League:  Lion Tom W.  The game took place on the night of 9/14/2013.  Everyone who participated had a great time.  R.J. Wynne is the president of Miracle League.  11 Lions and spouses came.

Merritton:  Lion Dick:  Merritton will be visiting us on October 9, 2013.  Lion Dick spoke with KOC, Riverstone will cater.  Upfront costs are $100 rental of KOC and $40 to cover the bar coverage.  Total cost will be $140 plus the meal.  Lion Dick will be in contact with Riverstone owners.  Tentatively the meeting will be at the KOC.  Lion Dave will be in contact with Lion Wayne, president of Merritton Lions.
Vision Beyond Sight:  Lion Tom W.  9:30 AM Sat 10-19-13 at the Olmstead Center.  This will be first year that the VBS will be fundraising.  On the 10-19 registrations will be at 9:30.  The speaker will be Dr. Lima discussing the features speaker reviewing the equipment that will be used.  The foundation is now at 4 locations seeing 27,000 people that need care.  The foundation is need of 2 board members.  Enveloping stuffing will begin at 11 AM.

Eye Ball:  Fundraiser on March 1, 2014from 6PM to 11 PM seating is limited to 250 people.  Cost is $150/per person.

Freedom Guide Dog:  Newsletter was shared by Lion Annette.  We have contributed to this in the past the stories in the newsletter are inspiring.

Guest Speaker:  Jim Catalano is Executive director of Excalibur.  A video was shared regarding how the program exists today.  Program was started in 1985 providing boating and fishing opportunities to the disabled.  There are approximately 2800 individuals who participate every year.  The boat is specifically designed for wheelchair access.  Excalibur participates in our Special Kids Picnic every year.  This was only boat of its type in NYS.  A 1990 fiberglass pleasure boat was refurbished to be wheelchair accessible.  Each year 150 human services agencies are served. There are 25 volunteered captains and 125 volunteers.  The boat sails with 1 caption and 3 crew and 18 passengers.  This is coast guard approved, withstanding rigorous inspection.  The overall cost of the boat was approximately $250,000.  The service relies totally on donations.  Questions, Annually operating costs varies year to year, generally $250,000 to $275,000 per year.   Excalibur operates 6 day/week, 3 to 4 trips a day. 

New Business:  Nothing.

Lion Shelia, motion to adjourn, seconded by Lion Earl, meeting adjourned.  8:45 PM.

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club
Regular Meeting Minutes October 23, 2013
Attendance: Tom Witkowski, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford, Dave Chervinsky, Brooks Rimes, Tom Rusert, Al Ackerman, Fred Ruocco, Tom Butler, Paul Bassette

Call to Order: Lion President Rimes called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM.

Pledge to the Flag: Led by Lion Butler

Patriotic Song:  Led by Lion Witkowski

Invocation: Led by Lion Bassette

Introduction of guests: Lion President Rimes introduced Mr. Lynn Konovitz, Director of the Grand Island Public Library

Jokes of the Day: Led by Lion President Rimes

Release of Tail Twister Lion Ruocco


Speaker: Lynn Konovitz bio includes 36 years as a librarian.  Under his tenure with the Grand Island Memorial Library, celebrating its’ 25th anniversary next year, the library has become a dynamic force in the community.  Offerings include books on CDs, classes on using e-books suck as Kindle and Nook, and even flu shots! Other items such as searchable databases such as Morningstar, Consumer reports, and health-related sites are readily available.  Trainers from the Buffalo Central Library provide training on a wide variety of subjects.  He encouraged anyone to let him know about special courses a member would like. The book-reading community can become members in an adult or teenage book club from books currently accessible in the library system. Future goals include digitizing the Island Dispatch after applying for grant money to perform the monumental task. Other sources of funding are used-book sales and money from the Abitibi scrap paper donation box located adjacent to the library.  Abitibi pays $5.00 a ton so any donations can go a long way in helping the library. Citing that he’s half the staff, he expressed his concerns about economic downturns that threaten the library’s existence.  Even though the town enthusiastically supports the library, he is cautiously optimistic that libraries will not face the county budget axe in the future.
Lynn thanked the community for its compliments on the appearance of the library, both inside and out.  He stated that a much-needed replacement for the outdoor sign will be realized in 2014.  He closed thanking the Grand Island Lions for its’ donations now totaling $10,550 since the library opened in 1989.  Books purchased with these funds are memorialized with a “plaque” in each book pictured in this newsletter issue.


Corresponding Secretary’s report: Lion Boies-Lobl stated 2 requests for donations were received that will be discussed at the board meeting.

Lion Crawford updated regarding our meeting sites.

Lion Boies-Lobl reported that only nine Bon-Ton books have been sold.  She encouraged all club members to purchase at least two.
Lion Witkowski submitted a check for $255.00 from scrap metal proceeds thanking Lion Chervinsky who provides his truck to get the material there.

Lion Witkowski, board member of the lions Vision Beyond Sight Foundation, thanked the Lobl Lions and Lion Chervinsky for participating in stuffing envelopes with solicitations for the Foundation’s first mail drive.  All Lions are encouraged to donate for the purchase of a second Heidelberg OCT/HRT laser tracking system for the Lions Diagnostic Eye Center located within the Ira G. Ross Eye Institute in Buffalo used by 231 Grand Island residents.

Lion Witkowski also sought a “uniquely Grand Island” auction item for the first annual “Eye Ball” to be held on March 1, 2014 at Asbury Hall at Babeville in Buffalo.  Lion Boies-Lobl suggested not to tap the business community that provides us with support for our spaghetti dinner.  Lion Witkowski stated that private funding from donations should be sufficient to purchase the item.

Lion Witkowski reported that the Sub-District Convention will be held Saturday, November 2, at the Olmsted Center, 1170 Main Street, Buffalo.  What sets this mini-convention apart is that it feature displays from charities and organizations we support.  It also will feature International Director Cindy Gregg who will speak and also will accept questions and comments from the audience.  The cabinet will also report its status.  It is free to all Lions.  Lunch will be available after the convention at a cost of $15.00.  Pre-registration is encouraged.

Lion Bassette announced local first, second, third place winners, and four honorable mention winners in the current Peace Poster Contest held October 22, 2013.  District judging will take place at the November 2nd cabinet meeting.

50-50 still intact. Lions Kaiser, MJ Tucker, Gerry Dubiel, and Steinagel not present.  Lion Rusert drew the Jack of clubs.


Lion Witkowski moved to adjourn the meeting with Lion Ackerman seconding.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Tom Witkowski


Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
November 10, 2012

Attendance: 17 in attendance; Brooks Rimes,  Dan Morabito, Paul Bassette,  Anne Fahning, Annette Lobl,  Dick Crawford, Diane Dubiel,  Al Ackerman, Dave Chervinsky, Earl DeGlopper, Tom DeCarlo, Tom Butler, Tom Witkowski, Tom Rusert, Fred Ruocco, Donna Lavallee and guest Hank Kammerer.

Lion President Brooks Rimes called the meeting to order at 7:10PM.
Lion Dan Morabito led the club in the pledge to the flag.
Lion Tom Rusert led the club in a patriotic song,
Lion Paul Bassette led us in an invocation.
LP Brooks introduced our guest speaker Henry Kammerer from the GI Neighbors Foundation

Split Club: $142 in the split club, Dan Morabito selected the Ace of Diamonds! And the stakes are getting higher!

Committee Reports: 

Bon Ton Lion Anne:  Community Days will be November 16, and 17 2013.  We would like to sell 75 books.  Volunteers are set up to sell in the store.
Lion Paul Peace Poster.  Our clubs Peace Poster winning poster went to the cabinet meeting on November 2, 2013.  Our winner did not win the overall event.  The poster will be framed and on display in the GI Library.  The checks for the winners will be distributed.

Program: Henry Kammerer from the GI Neighbors Foundation.  Mr. Kammerer presented Neighbors Foundation mission.  The Neighbors Foundation has been in existence for 39 years to provide emergency help in those rare occasions that GI people needed assistance. The organization is run entirely by volunteers.  In the basement of St. Stephens old church there is a food pantry.  The food pantry accepts non perishable food and Tops gift cards.  Assistance from the food pantry requires a phone call from the individual seeking help.  Donations come from a mail carrier food drive, scout troops and others.  As the holiday season approaches clients that have been helped are contacted to see if they require help.  The high school organization DECA helps sort the donated food and toys for the children at the holidays at the KOC. This year the foundation is asking for gift cards and money donations for 7-13 year range. Lion Brooks presented Mr. Kammerer with a $100 donation.

Committee reports and items of discussion continued:

Corresponding Secretary report:  Lion Annette; Received a thank you from the Miracle League for our participation in the carnival.
Cabinet meeting:  Lion Brooks, Tom W. and Paul attended the meeting on November 2, 2013 at the Olmstead Center.  Lion Tom received 4 awards.  One was a star in the dream achiever program in rebuilding the Wheatfield club and 2 honorariums, including a presidential pin for zone chairman.  Peace poster, and posters and displays that Lionism is involved with are at the event.  The region is in good shape financial, however, the state is in arrears to about $40k.  A reminder that the Brandell Murphy Youth Foundation this fund is something that is available to clubs.  This fund is set up on a grant basis.  Emphasis on youth is encouraged.
Lion Tom W.  Vision Beyond Sight Foundation is raising money for new piece of testing equipment.  The “Eye Ball” will be a fundraiser in February with a Mardi Gras theme.
Lion Tom W. - Guiding Lions Training.  The purpose of the Guiding Light Training and certified Guiding Lions is to help clubs grow and realize their full potential. Training is provided to help individuals learn how to help recruit new members and support clubs that are struggling. 
There is a plan to have loan closets networked for better efficiency in distributing the items.
Christmas Trees:  We are helping at the Christmas Tree sale at Kelly’s Country Store..  Proceeds will be divided with Lions and the GI Fire Company.  Lion Dick will contact Lion Sean to see how we will be involved this year.
Christmas Party:  December 11, 2013 at the Holiday Inn.  Lion Fred and Tammy Ruocco will provide the merriment.  Price will be $20 spouses are encouraged to attend. We will be donating to the Neighbors Foundation any amount is accepted.  Make checks payable to the Neighbors Foundation. 

Motion to adjourn Lion Paul seconded Lion Anne meeting adjourned 8:45PM.
Board meeting to follow.
Next general meeting will be the Christmas Party December 11, 2013 at the Byblos Niagara Resort and Spa. 
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee
